Reflections on 2022 and a must-read list from Dr. Nick

As I reflect on 2022, I realize many of my thoughts, emotions, actions, and results are the culmination of staying focused on putting my time, energy, focus and attention on things that matter the most.  

First off, I am so grateful to you, our clients for putting your health as a top priority in your life and choosing us to be part of your wellness journey. By doing so, you are helping us with our vision to create a healthier, more knowledgeable, stronger, and vibrant community to live in. We love you as clients as we do extended family. Thank you for being in our lives! 

I am also grateful to have the opportunity to work closely with some phenomenal leaders that own and operate the corporate headquarters of 8 Weeks to Wellness as we strive to emulate their success in helping so many people transform their lives across the nation. It’s inspiring to have authentic, congruent, and high integrity visionaries where we get to share what we learn in our own community.  

I reflect and realize I’ve spent less time on social media than any year in the past. My only regrets: I know I’ve missed some of your posts! I miss seeing families connect, amazing vacations, and the “shares” of joy in your life. The “not-so many regrets” …it’s opened a lot of time to not get sucked into any drama, especially zombie like scrolling, and I’ve been outside in nature more with my head in my phone less. (And my 2 dogs appreciate the more frequent walks!) 

No more news. No more weather. Both are usually wrong anyway! Ha! And with only the occasional check-in, it’s eliminated a lot of stress, worry and anxiety in my life! I have enough in my small circle with a family of 4 kids, a growing business, and a team of 10 awesome people to connect with and grow with. The news isn’t a part of my life, and it also isn’t an energy drain, and when I want to go outside, I just dress appropriately. The weather channel has lost a former customer, but I’m sure they’ll survive. 

My resolutions: 

Spend my time wisely. Create better structure. I am getting back on track with my workouts (Yes, even Dr. Nick falls off track sometimes). I am committing to date nights with the love of my life. I am committing to some awesome vacations with my family. And I’m committing to You through the implementation of a better experience at Elevation Now. We are striving to improve ourselves, our team, our procedures all to facilitate the growth of Elevation Now in a sustainable way that “ELEVATES” your experience. 

The few books I’ve read (listened to) that I can’t recommend enough: 

Breathe by James Nestor – wow, what amazing insight into the power Breath has over our health and longevity. Something so simple, has so much power. 

The Relentless Elimination of Hurry – by John Mark Comer – this will help you “reset” your life to focus on what truly matters, SIMPLIFY, and put your HEART more into your life. 

Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins – Ummm, aside from the language which is a little awkward with my 15-year-old son and I listening to multiple “f-bombs” every morning on our 20-minute drive to school drop-off, this book will inspire you to follow your dreams and realize that ANY EXCUSE ISN’T REALLY A VALID EXCUSE.  

Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey – what an absolute joy and surprise to see this actor as a storyteller. If you’re a woman, Yes, you’ll fall more in love with him and his voice, as a man you’ll respect this insightful soul and both men and women alike will learn to fall in love with the story of their own lives. 

Do Nothing by Celeste Headlee – this one is a bit “heady” (no pun intended) and analytical, but begs the question, of “How did we become so addicted to work/ life-hacks/ go-go-go and forget to meet our neighbors, play games as adults, or just sit and read for the sake of “being?” 

Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs – If you’re in a relationship, this is a MUST MUST MUST READ!! What you think your partner wants, and you strive to give to them, is actually what YOU want to receive. Which is why what you want to receive, your partner fails to deliver. Yes, it goes both ways! The quick take-away: Men - deeply LOVE, listen to and connect with your woman. Women - your man wants to be respected more than anything else - not criticized or micromanaged (if you must - do it creatively so he still feels respected! :)

Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl – a great philosophical work on creating a great life of meaning.  


My wish for you is that you bring in 2023 with hope and optimism, even amidst the outer doom and gloom. We may not be able to control the world around us, or even the small parts of our inner circles, but we absolutely can control how we choose to react. If we can listen with love, act from love and respect each other a little more, it will only serve to Elevate your Life, and Elevate your Health. I’m wishing you well in 2023, now go ACT on that Wellness and make it happen! 

Yours in Health

-Dr. Nick Sechrist

Grand Junction Chiropractor