How to feel your best this cold and flu season

As cold weather approaches, feeling “under the weather” may come with it. Colds, flus and other viruses can knock us down for days. So how can we protect ourselves and support our body as we recuperate?

Here are some strategies to shorten recovery time and symptoms.

  • Rest as much as possible. This helps our body to recover and heal while under stress, as it fights being sick and supports our immune system.

  • Get outside in the sun for natural vitamin D and take light walks to help with lymph flow.  Our lymph nodes filter out bacteria and viruses. The lymph system doesn’t have the same kind of propulsion in our body as blood flow does, therefore, walking (and massage) are great ways to support our lymph.

  • Drink at least 2 quarts of water or other fluids, every day.  Sprinkle in a pinch of sea salt (or more) for electrolytes and minerals.  This will assist the cells to absorb the fluids you’re taking in.  Our body uses a lot of minerals when it’s under stress.  Other sources for minerals include bone broth and coconut water which can be very healing for the body.

  • Soak in an Epson salt bath.  Epson salts has magnesium in it to help the body relax, and assists in activating vitamin D.  Again, our body depletes minerals when under stress, so we want to work on replacing these minerals.  Most of us are magnesium deficient or have been at some point. Reduce or eliminate sugary and processed foods, while eating lots of fresh greens and citrus.  

  • Try Nutridyn’s Fruits and Greens Immune Support, found in Dr. Nick’s office.   This has 20+ servings of fruits and veggies, including zinc and quercetin which support the immune system and reduces inflammation.  It also supports gut health with enzymes and probiotics.  70% of our immune cells are in the gut, so gut health is super important for strong immunity.

  • Congaplex is another supplement found in Dr. Nick’s office that’s great for whole body health and immune support. Many of Dr. Nick’s patients would gladly give five-star reviews for this supplement. Elderberry is another immune booster. It lessens cold and flu symptoms, reduces inflammation, and additionally, supports digestion and heart health.

  • Elderberry can specifically support upper respiratory symptoms.

  • Packed with nutrients, black seed oil, is great for lung health as well, opening airways, and reducing inflammation. It can even be used for athletic recovery or hiking at high elevations. Both elderberry and black seed oil, can be found at your local health food store.

This is not an exhaustive list by any means! There are many other essential oils, teas, supplements, and homeopathic and home remedies that will support your body when sick. Tell me your favorite, I’d love to hear what works for you!

-Kathy Swelstad, NTP

Grand Junction Wellness Coach