While you may not be running, jumping, biking, swimming or competing at a high level, most of us can't get through the day without moving our body that was specifically designed for dynamic motion. Lifting groceries out of the car, suitcases when traveling, even the Olympics of yardwork - believe it or not - you were designed to not just move but be athletic. For most people however, more movement, especially movement their body isn't used to equates to more pain. So, how do you bring out your "inner athlete" without bringing out the "new" aches and pains? 

Well the quick answer is...Become best friends with "sports massage" therapy! 

No matter the extent of the athlete you are, sports massage can be your best friend. Massage therapy supports the physical, mental and emotional goals of an individual. It helps with flexibility and improves and maintains range of motion which decreases the chance of injury. Massage also decreases scar tissue build up. It helps the muscles continue to be able to contract and release when required to function properly. Whether you are an athlete or exercising for enjoyment, for health benefits, or to compete, massage therapy will help support your physical health, decrease your psychological stress, improve your performance and training, help prevent injury, and aid in your recovery time. 

Rebekah, our in-house massage therapist has massage techniques that combine sports massage concepts into the massage session to help with daily functioning and stress the body endures to better serve her clients. All of the benefits of sports massage support the performance of the athlete. When preparing for a sporting event or a workout, massage delivers oxygen rich blood and nutrients to the muscles. Before working out, massage decreases muscle tension, which increases the elasticity of the muscles and connective tissues and stimulates the muscle groups involved. This lowers the chance of injury and increases performance. After working out or competing in a sporting event, massage therapy helps the body recover by exchanging nutrients for waste materials that have accumulated. Massage therapy aids in repairing the micro-tears that occur when building muscle, helping to decrease recovery time and decrease soreness. Sports massage decreases recovery time by increasing circulation to the area. Swelling/ edema, tissue that causes secondary injuries through fluid pressure if there is an injury, is also flushed during the massage. After exercising, massage calms the muscles and releases chemicals in the brain that promote calmness and relaxation. Overall, sports massage helps clients become more flexible, supports the client’s health, aids in recovering after workout sessions and helps support the emotional well-being of every person as well.

-Rebekah Smith

Grand Junction Licensed Massage Therapist