Post Massage Tips

If you’ve had a massage from me, you already know what I am going to recommend when you get home: drink water, take a hot bath, and stretch!! What happens off the massage table is just as, if not more important than what happens on the table. In order to reap all of the benefits of your massage, it’s important to follow these quick tips so your body stays healthy and happy. Here’s how to make the benefits of a massage last longer.


1.       DRINK WATER

When you receive a massage, your body releases naturally occurring toxins called lymph into your body. Being well hydrated will ensure that waste is properly disposed of through your lymphatic system. Something important to remember is that alcoholic, sugary, or caffeinated beverages can dehydrate you, so they should be limited or avoided altogether after a massage. To ensure you’re staying hydrated follow this equation, Drink Half of your Body Weight in Ounces of Water Per Day. If you weigh 150lbs, then you need to be drinking at least 75 ounces of water each day. That’s 4 and a half of the standard sized (16.9 oz) store bought water bottles. You should really stick to this daily, but especially on the days you get a massage.


2.       TAKE A BATH

In addition to drinking water, you should also sit in it! Heat increases the blood flow in your body, which will help your muscles stay relaxed. The increased blood flow (and being hydrated) is also another great way to assist your body’s lymphatic system in disposing of those naturally released toxins from the massage! Keep the relaxation vibe going by adding Epsom salts or essential oils like lavender.


3.       STRETCH

During a massage, your muscles are being lengthened and strengthened by manual tissue manipulation. Your muscles can actually relearn strength and length by stretching them regularly. Some other benefits of stretching are that it can decrease your risk of injury, help joints move through their full range of motion, decreases muscle stiffness, and improve posture. You know we’re all about that posture!

I can recommend simple yet effective stretches you can do at home that will correlate with your treatment plan and what muscles were specifically targeted during your massage.


One last piece of advice is to schedule out a few appointments BEFORE you desperately need a massage! Having one massage a month is a great way to ensure that your massage therapist doesn’t have to keep starting your treatment plan over and you can keep progressing towards a healthy, pain-free life! Avoid that hassle of trying to schedule a last minute “emergency” massage and not being able to find a therapist that’s available. It’s important to stick with a therapist that knows your body well and it’s pain points. So make sure to schedule “You” time on your calendar for once a month, and get on my schedule.

-Emilie Kramer

Grand Junction Massage Therapist